Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Brač island

The island of Brač offers numerous opportunities for an unforgettable holiday.
Its landmarks are often described using superlatives – the tallest island, the most beautiful Adriatic beach, some of the oldest remains... such descriptions come to vivid life in front of the islands visitors' eyes. They will experience the Dalmatian karst landscape trading places with beautifully maintained olive groves.
Brač reveals its past

Brač holds the secrets of its past buried in caves. In Kopačina, remains can be seen from as early as the Stone Age, testifying to the richness of the island's past. Drakonja's cave contains reliefs carved by the hermit monks, who used the space to hide from Turkish raids. Both localities are open for visitors and ideal sites for the new generations to discover the legacy of the ancients.
Brač attractions

Zlatni rat, or the Golden Cape, is the crown jewel of Brač and its most recognizable symbol worldwide. Swimming and windsurfing on one of Croatia's finest beaches, enjoying the view from the tallest spot on the Adriatic, the peak of Vidova gora (2552 ft), not to mention the unique cultural site Blaca, a hermits' monastery complex, are some of this island's unmissables.

The living culture today on the island of Brač still bears a powerful imprint of Catholicism. This influence was even stronger in the past, as can be seen by the presence of as many as nineteen early Romanesque churches on the island. Lovers of cultural tourism will enjoy the Heritage museum in the town of Škrip, as well as the Dominican monastery in Bol, which boasts a painting by Tintoretto.

Sutivan Nature preserve is the ideal picnic site, where the visitors can relax amidst local flora and fauna, as well as enjoy some fine homegrown wining and dining. Seekers of the authentic experience will be impressed by the "ancient" look and feel of the towns where every construction was made using the famous Brač stone – rumoured to have been used for the White House.


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